Well if you want, I may sugguest a big N. Gin battle concept of how it'll go. Maybe a two phase fight as first half with be a platform action fight and the second round going for a big Jet Pack chase/shooter, as like fusing the three fights from the Crash games into one with action, platforming and space style.
nothing exciting at the moment, just cleaning up crash's movement code, fixing a few bugs
i'd like to think i'll have the 2nd warp room done fully done by the end of the year, but i won't put a date on it, i'll just surprise drop it when it's ready
(except for lv. 36 and lv. 10, lv. 36s too unfinished and lv. 10 doesn't even have time trial, I have 3 more levels to time trial in warp room 2 and I'm gonna die getting these relics due to level length and difficulty)
Remember when I did market crash in 41 seconds , then I couldn't upload the ghost
Can I get the ghost file , sending ot to u , then u upload it to the leaderboards
Man I swear to god this ghost took me around 2 days to get , the problem that the carpet in V0.1.6 is broken and that's the only version that I could upload a ghost from
i wouldn't stress about the leaderboard too much rn as it'll be a fresh leaderboard when the next public update happens, if you want to send it to someone, it's lv3.ghost in the ghostdata/slot# folder, just gotta make sure they've got ghosts set to best in the gameplay options menu
lmao yes there is, do a neutral slide spin then activate death tornado while in the air, you'll get the speed boost when you land
if you start mock tornado without jumping out of NSS (while sliding across pits, etc) you'll keep the speed even if you jump afterwards
idk what mach tornado has to do with the z axis tbh, unless nsane trilogy swapped y & z axes? it works nearly the same, but i'm also not trying to replicate it perfectly, that's why i call it the mock tornado
this is the secret )!&$ zone (why the 3(!() would they call it secret )!&$ zone? that's *&^%$!)
there are 3 @< _!%="# levels and the level names in the hub is ##%!@)(* up along with the ?><)@*$+_" as well (I ##%!@)(* out I lost my ?><)@*$+_" after closing the game #^%?) idk #^%
I technically #!^ get my hands on all of the $?}|($ in this *&^%$ zone, I wanted to #% !& because ~><?:@{}#(?
there seems to be a &*!$$ &#@"/ against (!%@&*#$^#*$& (wut du hell, I don't want to &#@"/ against (!%@&*#$^#*$& he would 8@^@ over me in 1 shot I don't want to do it)
a secret )!#&(@%^ that leads !@ @ &*!$$ &#@"/ against (!%@&*#$^#*$&
here is the photo
ok screw that it was just a &#@"/ against tiny, not (!%@&*#$^#*$&, I wanted the &*!$$ level to be named (!%@&*#$^#*$&, and an actual &*!$$ against (!%@&*#$^#*$&, oh well, expectations don't come true all the time...
if you activate debug mode (hold up+jump+spin+slide+inventory then press run) it will unlock all warp rooms, including unfinished ones and the "secret bong zone"
all warps past warp 3 send you back to earlier warps but warp 6 has levels that require relics to unlock (ooh)
warp 6 has a space effect that covers everything tho so you can't see :P
also the SBZ has cool levelsssssssss where time trialssssssssssssss leaderboardssssssssssssssssssssssssssss more relicsssssssssssssss fuck
download 0.1.5. you can't look into the files of 0.1.6 because it uses yyc and you can't decomp it n shit
"no data.win bc the game is compiled to c++ (YYC) for better performance, altitude adjustment was tanking the frames and needed custom chunk loading on top of that to get it above 60fps"
Never mind , but my ghost is good using the speed boost from the rails , yeah it's fucked up , couple of mistakes , the only thing loadedconnan has the efficiency to do better than me is slide spins and slide jump spins , for some reason all his ghosts are getting an abnormal speed boost , waiting for explanation
genuinely tho i spent like a lot of my run figuring out how the fuck naif-aljaber managed to fuck up that badly before realizing he spent like 5 seconds fucking around near the lvl 36 entrance like dawg speed it up the hell is you doing bro 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎
Hello here, as I try out Crash Advance and do see the potential of it being great. So how far are you in development? And I assume the game will have 6 Warp Rooms and 6 Bosses?
hard to give a number, i work on it sporadically, and the last 2 years have been more about rewriting the engine and implementing future mechanics rather than adding content
the engine rewrite is nearly done though, got the physics almost identical to crash 3, much smoother camera, bunch of quality of life changes and polish. still gotta rip a bunch of level graphics from the gba games, but other than that i'm not too far away from being able to just work on levels
Okay interesting, I am sure the final product will be good and solid.
Btw I gotten up to the Tiny battle and t was tough, very hard a lost a lot of lives and gotten two Game Overs. I would say you should tone down the difficulty but not much as I would say give a fair challenge and the bosses each should be progressly hard when you enter the next warp room.
WHOA!!! 7.5 Warp Rooms? I am sure will be a while for us gamers.
i do want the bosses to be somewhat of a difficulty spike, but yeah the tiny fight is definitely too hard for the second boss, i plan on nerfing the polar section and the final spear pattern at least
v0.1.2 is on the main gamejolt page, click the 3 dots next to download to show the option, its very rough though, 30 fps really does look shit and drops inputs occasionally
i don't think i saved or uploaded any older versions but they would have been very similar just with less levels
yeah sorry, sliced my thumb open real bad the other week so don't have much progress to show, had to put off making the speed tech vid cause i couldn't hold a controller
making some small progress with the new camera, finally started the change to proper vertical subpixel movement and tested out a port to the gms2 engine which ran much better than expected, might upload a new build when i fix crate bounces and spinhover
new dark gem, like clear gems but the level is jackshit harder
n. sanely perfect relics are now replaced with rainbow gem shards that unlock cheats
colored gems are in every level, with different requirements each
flashback tapes have crystals
no more gem routes
collecting a 4th mask during the invincibility phase allows you to survive pitfalls by magically flying
difficulty tweak
fuck hidden crates
here's some suggestiones for the guy who made this post
the new colored gem system is replaced with the badges from flashback levels (like the ones you get for finishing the level and breaking boxes) but re-skinned
i don't love those collecatbles, theres a lot of overlap in objective, and too many collectables reduces their value to me
like i honestly think crash 4 would be a better game if 4-5 gems were removed in every level, i don't need 3 gems every level as a consolation prize, the hidden gem is pointless 90% of the time because its right next a crate so it's just a crate gem with less steps and the 3 deaths or less gem? brooooooo i've got the flashback tape, the nsanely perfect relic and goddamn time trials, i've shown you i can beat the level without dying at least twice already, is that not good enough? no? i gotta do n.verted mode too? fuck off
colour gems in every level is super lame too, not only bc a puzzle is much less fun after the first time you solve it, but now i'm restricted in how i can design levels because every level needs to be possible without breaking a crate, or using the slide or whatever
those kind of challenges i am completely fine with leaving to peoples intrinsic motivation, you don't need a shiny badge on your savefile to tell you you beat the game without ever touching a wumpa fruit
if you love a game enough to want to play it again with new modifiers/restrictions, just play it for the love of the game man
secret exit in lvl 8 found , at the start of the the level ,in the section when there is robe above the spikes , underneath it , there is a gab leading to lvl 36
entering secret exits causes relics obtained from the level where the secret exit was to appear for a little before disappearing
game keeps getting flagged as a virus and deletes itself please fix this i wanna play the game aseplpaselalspelpaslpelpaslpelpaslpelpasleplpaseplaselplpaspdllpasepllaspldlasr
i wouldn't expect to much work done to the cheats, if i have to implement all new mechanics for cheats its probably work better spent on the actual game
lv 13 will be locked in v0.2 sorry, was just using it to test the new gem sprites, the warproom is just there as a teaser for the next warproom theme
i've already planned too many levels honestly lol, i'm not gonna sneak any extra levels in v0.2, just finish up decoffinated and spill issue... i swear
jump over the portal using a death tornado spin. land on the platform and you'll unlock the coolio
2 - altitude adjustment
to unlock lvl 32, go to lvl 7. get to the area before polar, and stand on this funny thing.
do not go right. glide with the spin to the left.
the secret portal is marked with a wumpa. touch it to get there
3 - spill issue
to unlock lvl 36, get to lvl 8. get to this section.
grab the robe and press slide to descend (or just be a patient pickle and wait for crash to lose his grip). falling into the gap will send you into the level instantly with a fake out death. (kinda like eggipus rex from crash 3)
honorable mention - decoffinated
for some useless fucking reason, level 9 has a direct entrance to level 10.
to access it, get to this area using a slide jump into a spin for extra height.
breaking this arrow crate makes the entrance inaccessible. jump on it, tornado glide to the left and keep walking until crash gets teleported.
ghosts work, there's just two different versions of ghosts on the same leaderboard, 0.1.5 ghosts don't work on 0.1.6 and vice versa (reverser device) it's really just to test if uploading/downloading ghosts works, next stable release will have new leaderboards so it won't be a problem
spill issue is that early in dev that i just haven't bothered to save level data yet, not sure what you mean about it giving you a billion gems tho, haven't seen that one
i've been struggling to improve the old camera system (which is why progress has been so slow tbh) so its fully barebones just to be playable while i work on the real camera, the temp camera has broken stuff like the vehicles though and i figure its not worth fixing em til i finish the camera
there is a hint in level for the yellow gem, but i'll give you another one if you still can't find it
the bridge jump is pretty hard, will need speed tech for that
neutral slide is the start of all combos, just stop holding left or right (resetting the stick to neutral) after sliding
follow that up by either jumping or spinning for a neutral slide spin (NSS) or neutral slide jump (NSJ)
you can also neutral glitch jump (NGJ) by pressing spin and jump at the same time
you wont lose neutral speed if you doublejump during the first spin of NGJ (NDJ)
you can start a neutral tornado out of NSS and NGJ, but you'll lose more speed the more times you pump it
got all that? good.
now, just NDJ just before the bridge flattens out and space out your tornado pumps for max distance, easy!
try doing a NSS off a ledge and jumping near the end of the spin for some crazy mobility, and if ya want to go stupid fast, start a neutral tornado in the air and then land on the ground while still spinning for a mock tornado
no, its really not worth it, since you can't go back to the intro level i figured it should just be an easter egg, but the speed tech is worth giving a shot, neutral slide spins are very fun once you get the hang of them and will probably be necessary for dev relics when v0.2 is done
market crash has a nerfed red gem (you can now access the route much easier)
you can see the bonus area from the end of acid reflex (and vice versuh)
cheats allow you to change gem sprites (doesn't include the ones from n tranced and XS, but rather PS1 and fusion sprites)
cool new progress section in the pause screen (allows you to see relics, crystals, gems n what not)
purple gem moved to decoffinated, also bug off has yellow gem
decoffinated is beatable but is still really WIP with only 9 boxes and a possible route to the purple gem, and also has new weakly-reinforced box (can't be broken by jumping on it)
some new level names n shit
explosive boxes produce lights in bug off
level 13 (rising temperatures)
funny bugs!!!!!!!!!:
pipe down's bonus stage has some shit buggin out on the left, along with to the right of the secret exit to level 31
camera is fucked in a lot of levels
the crash dance sound doesn't stop after skipping it
random debug shit
market crash isn't possible without using the red gem route (LOADCAN WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO THE CARPET)
spill issue (level 36) is accessible from warp 2????????
market crash actually didn't get nerfed, physics changes and making crash like 5% faster just made it a lot easier, i could make it harder if its too easy now, but i think it's alright as is
yeah the camera is completely fucked rn, which is why you can see past level boundaries and is also why the carpet and bike are borked, the bike going lightspeed backwards is very funny though
the lv 36 portal is only there to make it easy to test the level while i build it obviously, but see if you can find the real secret entrance!
no data.win bc the game is compiled to c++ (YYC) for better performance, altitude adjustment was tanking the frames and needed custom chunk loading on top of that to get it above 60fps
yeah that level is brutal, i haven't even finished a time trial run on it yet
almost half the crates are nitros so it's not as bad as it first looks, but it's still the longest level by far, good luck in the ice cavern section lol
yeah none of the GBA games have levels with 200+ crates, let alone 300+
out of both GBA games, THA's "ace of space" (lvl 12) has the highest crate count, but is still barely inching towards 200 crates (ace of space has 194 crates)
← Return to fangame
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Well if you want, I may sugguest a big N. Gin battle concept of how it'll go. Maybe a two phase fight as first half with be a platform action fight and the second round going for a big Jet Pack chase/shooter, as like fusing the three fights from the Crash games into one with action, platforming and space style.
So Load Cannon, how's the progress on Crash Advance. A new version is ready or no luck?
I like to try more of your fan game to see and also give you feedback.
2024 is fucking dead everyone
happy new year
i hope you all enjoy your GTA VIs and your simpson 2s and doom IVs and crash bandicoot 5s and 2025s or whatever the fuck
ayo , still alive ? watch THIS , I made it , it's gonna be chaotic
this will be agonizing to max%
Got into Crash 4 Modding recently (:
Didn't Visit the blog for a while , Anything New with Development ??
Hello, been a while and curious making progress on Crash Advance more with a new update or not yet?
And is it okay I sugguest ideas for your fangame?
this made me want to drink a bottle of nitroglycerin
there is an area which i am stuck and i cant progress more into the level
why would you even try
100 %ing the game , cuz I have no life
good luck beating the level with more crates than ace of space and fire walker combined (highest crate count levels from the GBA games)
who's got the spill issue now
So, progress on the game so far? And you think the New Year, we'll get a new update?
nothing exciting at the moment, just cleaning up crash's movement code, fixing a few bugs
i'd like to think i'll have the 2nd warp room done fully done by the end of the year, but i won't put a date on it, i'll just surprise drop it when it's ready
finally more banooca with trousies
No banooca with trousies ):
I don't think I want to say it
I guess I'm heading to warp room 2's relics
(except for lv. 36 and lv. 10, lv. 36s too unfinished and lv. 10 doesn't even have time trial, I have 3 more levels to time trial in warp room 2 and I'm gonna die getting these relics due to level length and difficulty)
anyway bye!
thank you!
I think I found my Market Crash Ghost
How to Share It ???
Serious question for loadedcannon
Remember when I did market crash in 41 seconds , then I couldn't upload the ghost
Can I get the ghost file , sending ot to u , then u upload it to the leaderboards
Man I swear to god this ghost took me around 2 days to get , the problem that the carpet in V0.1.6 is broken and that's the only version that I could upload a ghost from
i wouldn't stress about the leaderboard too much rn as it'll be a fresh leaderboard when the next public update happens, if you want to send it to someone, it's lv3.ghost in the ghostdata/slot# folder, just gotta make sure they've got ghosts set to best in the gameplay options menu
gonna sent it to your discord
I did it
I finally did it
I got a gold on lv. 3
I technically DID use the carpet to beat it, idk how I survived but I feel proud
beat me if you want to, LOADEDCANNON REPLY TO THIS!
congrats, gotta get very lucky to not clip straight past the portal on the carpet lol
Since the game physics is trying to replicate CB3 , is there anyway to do a mock tornado spin
mach tornado only works with a z axis involved so
lmao yes there is, do a neutral slide spin then activate death tornado while in the air, you'll get the speed boost when you land
if you start mock tornado without jumping out of NSS (while sliding across pits, etc) you'll keep the speed even if you jump afterwards
idk what mach tornado has to do with the z axis tbh, unless nsane trilogy swapped y & z axes? it works nearly the same, but i'm also not trying to replicate it perfectly, that's why i call it the mock tornado
man i gotta get to work on that speedtech vid
You gotta upload it soon , WE need it
Looks like lvl 36 well not have a separate entrance to it , as you can press square at lvl 8 portal to choose between leaderboards
yeah but the leaderboards don't work lmao
I put in the code that unlocks all warps
I took this !_@#@ because ~><?:@{}#(?
this is the secret )!&$ zone (why the 3(!() would they call it secret )!&$ zone? that's *&^%$!)
ok screw that it was just a &#@"/ against tiny, not (!%@&*#$^#*$&, I wanted the &*!$$ level to be named (!%@&*#$^#*$&, and an actual &*!$$ against (!%@&*#$^#*$&, oh well, expectations don't come true all the time...
i found sum cool
if you activate debug mode (hold up+jump+spin+slide+inventory then press run) it will unlock all warp rooms, including unfinished ones and the "secret bong zone"
all warps past warp 3 send you back to earlier warps but warp 6 has levels that require relics to unlock (ooh)
warp 6 has a space effect that covers everything tho so you can't see :P
also the SBZ has cool levelsssssssss where time trialssssssssssssss leaderboardssssssssssssssssssssssssssss more relicsssssssssssssss fuck
Yeah i have got to this before , sadly WR 4 and 5 send u to 2 and 3
Secret bone zone ?? Never noticed that before
that's the secret warp room's internal name lol. look into the files of v0.1.5
How do i look into the game files ?
download 0.1.5. you can't look into the files of 0.1.6 because it uses yyc and you can't decomp it n shit
also utmt use it
i know this , I mean how to open data.win itself
i got a FUCKING SAPPHIRE you're telling me the CREATOR OF THE GAME can't get a FUCKING GOLD how the FUCK
this is lvl 8's time trial btw, try beating this ay dee em gee eitch ex (ADMGHX)
edit: ok lmao loadcan just loaded up and got a 36.45. he got a platinum (so cool)
Friday night , c me
If u wanna say my name say Adam gex
Not "ay dee em gee eitch ex"
Never mind , but my ghost is good using the speed boost from the rails , yeah it's fucked up , couple of mistakes , the only thing loadedconnan has the efficiency to do better than me is slide spins and slide jump spins , for some reason all his ghosts are getting an abnormal speed boost , waiting for explanation
Ur a dev ?
nah lmao. loadcan has already confirmed this is a solo project (i think) and i can't code for shit
I beat lv. 8s time trial in under a minute
screw you ghosts I can do better sometimes
"screw you ghosts I can do better sometimes"
dawg i beat all your fucking times you suck ass
That aged quickly , I beated both of u
genuinely tho i spent like a lot of my run figuring out how the fuck naif-aljaber managed to fuck up that badly before realizing he spent like 5 seconds fucking around near the lvl 36 entrance like dawg speed it up the hell is you doing bro 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎
these are my ideas for warp 3
does anyone agree with my idea? I took a photo of it with my Xbox controller, because idk how to take photos with my computer.
Win + PrtScrSysRq ( damn that's long )
شكلك عربي ، صح ؟
yes, that's true
منين الأخ بقى
Hello here, as I try out Crash Advance and do see the potential of it being great. So how far are you in development? And I assume the game will have 6 Warp Rooms and 6 Bosses?
hard to give a number, i work on it sporadically, and the last 2 years have been more about rewriting the engine and implementing future mechanics rather than adding content
the engine rewrite is nearly done though, got the physics almost identical to crash 3, much smoother camera, bunch of quality of life changes and polish. still gotta rip a bunch of level graphics from the gba games, but other than that i'm not too far away from being able to just work on levels
closer to 7.5 warp rooms, probably
Okay interesting, I am sure the final product will be good and solid.
Btw I gotten up to the Tiny battle and t was tough, very hard a lost a lot of lives and gotten two Game Overs. I would say you should tone down the difficulty but not much as I would say give a fair challenge and the bosses each should be progressly hard when you enter the next warp room.
WHOA!!! 7.5 Warp Rooms? I am sure will be a while for us gamers.
i do want the bosses to be somewhat of a difficulty spike, but yeah the tiny fight is definitely too hard for the second boss, i plan on nerfing the polar section and the final spear pattern at least
That’s good as we do want the bosses to be a tough but fair challenge, not easy but not hard either.
Curious I assume the bosses will be just the main Warped bosses but we’ll have surprise encounters than just the main five baddies?
you'll just have to find out when the time comes!
So , where's the save data file location ?
Do u have the old versions, like 0.1.2 and below?
v0.1.2 is on the main gamejolt page, click the 3 dots next to download to show the option, its very rough though, 30 fps really does look shit and drops inputs occasionally
i don't think i saved or uploaded any older versions but they would have been very similar just with less levels
Yeah it sucks man
i got one of each relic
sapphire relic from: acid reflex (time: 1:22.23)
gold relic from: welcome to the jungle (time: 19.23)
platinum relic from: pipe down (time: 22.69)
dev relic from: spill issue (time: 0.85)
yes i beat the plat by 1 millisecond fuck you
Loadedcannon has been quite recently
erm... *quiet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bro , what's your gamejolt name , wanna race ?
i have no gamejolt :( i do kinda wanna make a gamejolt account tho
edit: ok fuck that i just made one. here it is bitch
there i am gary!!! there i am!!!
now get some records , CHALLENGE ME
beat my ghost in lvl 4 idk bitch
yeah sorry, sliced my thumb open real bad the other week so don't have much progress to show, had to put off making the speed tech vid cause i couldn't hold a controller
making some small progress with the new camera, finally started the change to proper vertical subpixel movement and tested out a port to the gms2 engine which ran much better than expected, might upload a new build when i fix crate bounces and spinhover
Good luck
Yeah , a thump injury is the most fucking annoying , (after leg of course)
was lucky i didn't need stitches but man it was a pain to only use my left hand all week, glad to be gaming again now its started to heal lol
Stay strong , mate
Found this , Wyo about these ideas ?
ok from what i got from this
here's some suggestiones for the guy who made this post
Idk , but some ideas are cool , like the dark gems , and the rainbow gem shard
Actually , I played the fan game mentioned in the post years ago , it really had a dark gem in every level ,
Try it (Crash bandicoot unleashed darkness)
Play through of the game mentioned in the Reddit post
i don't love those collecatbles, theres a lot of overlap in objective, and too many collectables reduces their value to me
like i honestly think crash 4 would be a better game if 4-5 gems were removed in every level, i don't need 3 gems every level as a consolation prize, the hidden gem is pointless 90% of the time because its right next a crate so it's just a crate gem with less steps and the 3 deaths or less gem? brooooooo i've got the flashback tape, the nsanely perfect relic and goddamn time trials, i've shown you i can beat the level without dying at least twice already, is that not good enough? no? i gotta do n.verted mode too? fuck off
colour gems in every level is super lame too, not only bc a puzzle is much less fun after the first time you solve it, but now i'm restricted in how i can design levels because every level needs to be possible without breaking a crate, or using the slide or whatever
those kind of challenges i am completely fine with leaving to peoples intrinsic motivation, you don't need a shiny badge on your savefile to tell you you beat the game without ever touching a wumpa fruit
if you love a game enough to want to play it again with new modifiers/restrictions, just play it for the love of the game man
Ur goddamn right
secret exit in lvl 8 found , at the start of the the level ,in the section when there is robe above the spikes , underneath it , there is a gab leading to lvl 36
Some questions
1- R u working alone on this project ?
2- if it succeeded , will u make a sequel , or remakes for the gba games ?
3- will there be levels dedicated to coco or crunch ?
4- would you mind for making a discord server?
5- give me a hint for secret exit in lvl 8
yeah solo project, don't know how long i'll be working on this, its just a hobby so i'm in no rush, i'll think about that when its done
nah no playable coco or crunch but they'll have roles in the game at some point
maybe, but honestly i'd probably forget to check it and even if i did post game updates i'd probably just post em here/gamejolt
bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fixiseisdhashd
cool suggestions for 0.1.7 (or 0.2 idk)
i wouldn't expect to much work done to the cheats, if i have to implement all new mechanics for cheats its probably work better spent on the actual game
lv 13 will be locked in v0.2 sorry, was just using it to test the new gem sprites, the warproom is just there as a teaser for the next warproom theme
i've already planned too many levels honestly lol, i'm not gonna sneak any extra levels in v0.2, just finish up decoffinated and spill issue... i swear
in warp room 2 , there is a platform which gives u 10 lives
false positive, i ain't paying for a security cert for a fangame, so just have to live with that one
i had to download the game like 3 times because the .exe for the game just kept deleting itself because windows defense is fucking useless
secret levels guide
1 - flush hour
to unlock lvl 31, go to lvl 1 and get to the end.
jump over the portal using a death tornado spin. land on the platform and you'll unlock the coolio
2 - altitude adjustment
to unlock lvl 32, go to lvl 7. get to the area before polar, and stand on this funny thing.
do not go right. glide with the spin to the left.
the secret portal is marked with a wumpa. touch it to get there
3 - spill issue
to unlock lvl 36, get to lvl 8. get to this section.
grab the robe and press slide to descend (or just be a patient pickle and wait for crash to lose his grip). falling into the gap will send you into the level instantly with a fake out death. (kinda like eggipus rex from crash 3)
honorable mention - decoffinated
for some useless fucking reason, level 9 has a direct entrance to level 10.
to access it, get to this area using a slide jump into a spin for extra height.
breaking this arrow crate makes the entrance inaccessible. jump on it, tornado glide to the left and keep walking until crash gets teleported.
crash will end up here.
I think Toplen mentioned a secret route to lvl 36
Here's it
yeah but he never told me where it was
secret exits in lvs 8&9
Well wel well , Time to search
i found the lvl 9 exit but not the lvl 8 one
Who's Toplen
loadedcannon's old username
Funny thing I didn't mention at v0.1.5 and above , the "boner" at the the start of every bonus
pretty sure it's random and not just at the start
bug in 0.1.6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ghosts don't work
they all instantly teleport to the end of the level (seen in lvl 36, "spill issue")
also level data for spill issue keeps resettingggggggggggggg fix ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
also also it just gives you like a bajillion gems (what)
ghosts work, there's just two different versions of ghosts on the same leaderboard, 0.1.5 ghosts don't work on 0.1.6 and vice versa (reverser device)
it's really just to test if uploading/downloading ghosts works, next stable release will have new leaderboards so it won't be a problem
spill issue is that early in dev that i just haven't bothered to save level data yet, not sure what you mean about it giving you a billion gems tho, haven't seen that one
when i exit the level crash just gets 2 many gems
i swear this level gave me al of hub room 1's gems
One thing I noticed that now you don't have to access cheats by resetting the 9/9/96 sounds volumes , it stays unlocked
I would love to see that I can save which gems models and warp room music i chose
added to 0.1.6a! was always meant to, i just forgot
doing good
what the hell happened to the carpet and the motorcycle ????
clunky camera in most levels
the new portal sound and animation is good
How to jump over the bridge in the tutorial level ??
how to get the yellow gem in lvl 6 ???
i've been struggling to improve the old camera system (which is why progress has been so slow tbh) so its fully barebones just to be playable while i work on the real camera, the temp camera has broken stuff like the vehicles though and i figure its not worth fixing em til i finish the camera
there is a hint in level for the yellow gem, but i'll give you another one if you still can't find it
the bridge jump is pretty hard, will need speed tech for that
neutral slide is the start of all combos, just stop holding left or right (resetting the stick to neutral) after sliding
follow that up by either jumping or spinning for a neutral slide spin (NSS) or neutral slide jump (NSJ)
you can also neutral glitch jump (NGJ) by pressing spin and jump at the same time
you wont lose neutral speed if you doublejump during the first spin of NGJ (NDJ)
you can start a neutral tornado out of NSS and NGJ, but you'll lose more speed the more times you pump it
got all that? good.
now, just NDJ just before the bridge flattens out and space out your tornado pumps for max distance, easy!
try doing a NSS off a ledge and jumping near the end of the spin for some crazy mobility, and if ya want to go stupid fast, start a neutral tornado in the air and then land on the ground while still spinning for a mock tornado
Don't give a hint I wil try it my self
Before attempting the bridge jump , does it worth it ?
no, its really not worth it, since you can't go back to the intro level i figured it should just be an easter egg, but the speed tech is worth giving a shot, neutral slide spins are very fun once you get the hang of them and will probably be necessary for dev relics when v0.2 is done
ok maybe I'll try it
I found this gem sprite at some wall but I can't access anything
wait around at wall, and pay attention to what triggers the small lights on the wall, you're in the right spot though!
If u made a video explaining it I will appreciate it
* I mean the bridge jump
just jump on the crate before it and it works
only thing after that is funny object that spawns 2 much wumpa
some cool stuff out there
i also got 1 second time
can you go sub-1 sec i wanna see if you're the speeds 👀
Check the leaderboard
i can't see leaderboard the portal is mid-air so yuo can't see leederbord :(
Yeah i forgot , anyway, I'll show you a picture of my record soon , I am busy at the moment
here's a time to beat, lv 36 doesnt have a leaderboard yet anyway lol, the times are probably going to lv 1s leaderboard
0.1.6 is real!!!!!! rejois!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cool new stuff (from what i've seen):
funny bugs!!!!!!!!!:
(will add more stuff later)
market crash actually didn't get nerfed, physics changes and making crash like 5% faster just made it a lot easier, i could make it harder if its too easy now, but i think it's alright as is
yeah the camera is completely fucked rn, which is why you can see past level boundaries and is also why the carpet and bike are borked, the bike going lightspeed backwards is very funny though
the lv 36 portal is only there to make it easy to test the level while i build it obviously, but see if you can find the real secret entrance!
no the nerf is actually the guy there (you jump on him, easier route woohoo)
i still dunno what happened to the data.win pls exgplain
oh yeah i forgot about that guy lol
no data.win bc the game is compiled to c++ (YYC) for better performance, altitude adjustment was tanking the frames and needed custom chunk loading on top of that to get it above 60fps
yeah but how 2 see the game's code n shit now
idk, i don't think anyones decomp'd yyc yet, can't have every secret datamined before release lol
So I accessed level 32 , as soon as I saw how many crates are there , I lost hope
Maybe I will try it later , my mental health is not ready yet
yeah that level is brutal, i haven't even finished a time trial run on it yet
almost half the crates are nitros so it's not as bad as it first looks, but it's still the longest level by far, good luck in the ice cavern section lol
you wouldn't fucking believe it
man crash 4 went way too hard on its crate counts
honestly, too hard on its levels in general, time trials aren't fun when levels get 10 minutes long
Bro I knew it has 502 FUCKIN' boxes, but this a fan game in the style of the GBA titles , not crash 4 shit
you wouldn't fucking-
yeah none of the GBA games have levels with 200+ crates, let alone 300+
out of both GBA games, THA's "ace of space" (lvl 12) has the highest crate count, but is still barely inching towards 200 crates (ace of space has 194 crates)