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(2 edits) (+1)

bug in 0.1.6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ghosts don't work

they all instantly teleport to the end of the level (seen in lvl 36, "spill issue")

also level data for spill issue keeps resettingggggggggggggg fix ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

also also it just gives you like a bajillion gems (what)


ghosts work, there's just two different versions of ghosts on the same leaderboard, 0.1.5 ghosts don't work on 0.1.6 and vice versa (reverser device)
it's really just to test if uploading/downloading ghosts works, next stable release will have new leaderboards so it won't be a problem

spill issue is that early in dev that i just haven't bothered to save level data yet, not sure what you mean about it giving you a billion gems tho, haven't seen that one


when i exit the level crash just gets 2 many gems

i swear this level gave me al of hub room 1's gems

One thing I noticed that now you don't have to access cheats by resetting the 9/9/96 sounds volumes , it stays unlocked 

I would love to see that I can save which gems models and warp room music i chose 


added to 0.1.6a! was always meant to, i just forgot

doing good 

what the hell happened to the carpet and the motorcycle ????

clunky camera in most levels 

the new portal sound and animation is good 

How to jump over the bridge in the tutorial level ??

how to get the yellow gem in lvl 6 ???


i've been struggling to improve the old camera system (which is why progress has been so slow tbh) so its fully barebones just to be playable while i work on the real camera, the temp camera has broken stuff like the vehicles though and i figure its not worth fixing em til i finish the camera

there is a hint in level for the yellow gem, but i'll give you another one if you still can't find it

the bridge jump is pretty hard, will need speed tech for that

neutral slide is the start of all combos, just stop holding left or right (resetting the stick to neutral) after sliding

follow that up by either jumping or spinning for a neutral slide spin (NSS) or neutral slide jump (NSJ)

you can also neutral glitch jump (NGJ) by pressing spin and jump at the same time

you wont lose neutral speed if you doublejump during the first spin of NGJ (NDJ)

you can start a neutral tornado out of NSS and NGJ, but you'll lose more speed the more times you pump it

got all that? good.

now, just NDJ just before the bridge flattens out and space out your tornado pumps for max distance, easy!

try doing a NSS off a ledge and jumping near the end of the spin for some crazy mobility, and if ya want to go stupid fast, start a neutral tornado in the air and then land on the ground while still spinning for a mock tornado

Don't give a hint I wil try it my self 

Before attempting the bridge jump , does it worth it ? 


no, its really not worth it, since you can't go back to the intro level i figured it should just be an easter egg, but the speed tech is worth giving a shot,  neutral slide spins are very fun once you get the hang of them and will probably be necessary for dev relics when v0.2 is done

ok maybe I'll try it 

I found this gem sprite at some wall but I can't access anything 

The Other side

wait around at wall, and pay attention to what triggers the small lights on the wall, you're in the right spot though!

If u made a video explaining it I will appreciate it

* I mean the bridge jump


just jump on the crate before it and it works

only thing after that is funny object that spawns 2 much wumpa

some cool stuff out there


i also got 1 second time

can you go sub-1 sec i wanna see if you're the speeds 👀

Check the leaderboard


i can't see leaderboard the portal is mid-air so yuo can't see leederbord :(

Yeah i forgot , anyway, I'll show you a picture of my record soon , I am busy at the moment


here's a time to beat, lv 36 doesnt have a leaderboard yet anyway lol, the times are probably going to lv 1s leaderboard

(2 edits) (+1)

0.1.6 is real!!!!!! rejois!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cool new stuff (from what i've seen):

  • portal has fancy new animation
  • crash dance does noise!!!
  • game doesn't use a (fuck)
  • fancy new gimmicks
  • fallout buoy was renamed to flush hour
  • market crash has a nerfed red gem (you can now access the route much easier)
  • you can see the bonus area from the end of acid reflex (and vice versuh)
  • cheats allow you to change gem sprites (doesn't include the ones from n tranced and XS, but rather PS1 and fusion sprites)
  • cool new progress section in the pause screen (allows you to see relics, crystals, gems n what not)
  • purple gem moved to decoffinated, also bug off has yellow gem
  • decoffinated is beatable but is still really WIP with only 9 boxes and a possible route to the purple gem, and also has new weakly-reinforced box (can't be broken by jumping on it)
  • some new level names n shit
  • explosive boxes produce lights in bug off
  • level 13 (rising temperatures)

funny bugs!!!!!!!!!:

  • pipe down's bonus stage has some shit buggin out on the left, along with to the right of the secret exit to level 31
  • camera is fucked in a lot of levels
  • the crash dance sound doesn't stop after skipping it
  • random debug shit
  • market crash isn't possible without using the red gem route (LOADCAN WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO THE CARPET)
  • spill issue (level 36) is accessible from warp 2????????

(will add more stuff later)


market crash actually didn't get nerfed, physics changes and making crash like 5% faster just made it a lot easier, i could make it harder if its too easy now, but i think it's alright as is

yeah the camera is completely fucked rn, which is why you can see past level boundaries and is also why the carpet and bike are borked, the bike going lightspeed backwards is very funny though

the lv 36 portal is only there to make it easy to test the level while i build it obviously, but see if you can find the real secret entrance!


no the nerf is actually the guy there (you jump on him, easier route woohoo)

i still dunno what happened to the pls exgplain


oh yeah i forgot about that guy lol

no bc the game is compiled to c++ (YYC) for better performance, altitude adjustment was tanking the frames and needed custom chunk loading on top of that to get it above 60fps


yeah but how 2 see the game's code n shit now


idk, i don't think anyones decomp'd yyc yet, can't have every secret datamined before release lol


So I accessed level 32 , as soon as I saw how many crates are there , I lost hope 

Maybe I will try it later , my mental health is not ready yet


yeah that level is brutal, i haven't even finished a time trial run on it yet

almost half the crates are nitros so it's not as bad as it first looks, but it's still the longest level by far, good luck in the ice cavern section lol


you wouldn't fucking believe it


man crash 4 went way too hard on its crate counts
honestly, too hard on its levels in general, time trials aren't fun when levels get 10 minutes long

Bro I knew it has 502 FUCKIN' boxes, but this a fan game in the style of the GBA titles , not crash 4 shit


you wouldn't fucking-

yeah none of the GBA games have levels with 200+ crates, let alone 300+

out of both GBA games, THA's "ace of space" (lvl 12) has the highest crate count, but is still barely inching towards 200 crates (ace of space has 194 crates)

I really love this game , for the past 10 years , I have not seen a crash fan game with 60 fps , widescreen , controller support , power ups and A good looking gba design , but I have some notes 

1-  I preferred the old model of gems (v0.1.3) more than the current one (v0.1.5a) 

2- for some reason , the dev relic time does not show up after getting platinum (v0.1.5a) , but it shows up in (v0.1.3)

3- checkpoints mid boss was a bad thing in my opinion in Crash bandicoot 4 ,  the boss difficulty gets nerfed by checkpoints 

Things I would love to see 

1- more power ups : the super slide and the super high jump were fun and weird power ups from n.tranced 

2-gem shards : like CB2 N.tranced , each type of level has his own gem shard colour , by collecting 4 of the same colour , a new level unlocks with a crate gem and the coloured gem ( this is likely never gonna happen but I love the idea)

3- Crash but with  green pants , ( I loved the design of vicarious visions' Fake crash) so maybe you can add some customs 

Some questions 

1- When will v0.2 get released ?

2- will there be a secret ending for 101% completion ?

3- why every time I upload my ghost , it gets stuck at 50% then fails ? 

That's it , excellent game , just needs some tweaking 


hi hello it's me i'm the cool person i'm going to

ok first off i don't see superslide n rocket jump making a comeback mostly because they SUCK

the gem shards don't work with the current gem models because instead of gem.png with a different palette it's 2d images of 3d models so pretty hard basically

also palettes probably won't be real

as for the release date of 0.2...

don't worry it's coming soon (source: trust me)

idk about secret ending

as for the ghost not uploading


As for the power Ups , its a fair point , But with some level design it might be cool (think about it) , having all the power ups from the start kinda sucks 

As for the gem Shards : yeah , valid opinion 

As for v0.2 : well that sucks 

As for Ghost uploading : I won't say my pc is too powerful , but with debug mode I see the game runs at FUCKIN 750 FPS , and ghost downloading also fails , if managed to download one , the game crashes , FIX IT 

meme not funny tho , Fix your sense of humor


i never removed the old gem sprites, so wasn't too hard to add an option in the cheats menu to change back to the old sprites,  i'll update the private build to 0.1.6 if you wanna have a look

and yeah, dev times show up after beating them or getting all plats, maybe you had all the plats in 0.1.3? (41.80 is a sick time btw, very nice)

fake crash is actually already in 0.1.6,  if you name your savefile F CRASH or TRASH B, you'll have the green pants

yeah i'm not a huge fan of superslide/rocket jump, but i might include them as level gimmicks, like with the wumpa bazooka, so you wont keep them beyond the area you get them

i do like n.tranceds gem shards, but i prefer the crash 2 style of the colour gems being unique or puzzle-y, and i've got secret exits to cover the generic hidden spot rewards

i'll be honest i'm not a fan of checkpoints in boss fights, but dingodile is probably a little too hard for a first boss, and i'd rather players not get filtered 5 levels in, but don't worry, the stupid hard 101% bonus boss absolutely will not have checkpoints

if ghost uploads are failing at 50% its because its failing to redownload your ghost  (which it does to make sure it uploaded correctly so there aren't any glitched ghosts on the leaderboard),  maybe your firewall is blocking it? are you on windows 11? i haven't used it to test compatibility, it might just not like my ancient ass version of gamemaker

i've also changed the ghosts file format and compressed them down like 12x so ghosts should be fast as to upload now (if it works), but there's a mix of ghosts from different versions on at the moment so some of em might not work, if it crashes again send me the bug text, might be able to solve it

(1 edit)

Yeah I had all the plats in v0.1.3 (Fallout bouy was a kick in the ass to plat)

God I am very pleased with your reply , it gives a lot of teasers , good luck finishing v0.1.6 ⁦⁦;⁠-⁠)⁩

No I am using Win 10 pro 

What about dev relics not showing up ?


dev relics only show up if you get every single platinum ingame

why Ghost Uploading always Fail ??


why are only 2 comments not written by me

anyways i tried fixing decoffinated (level 10, not finished) and here reesults

i placed sum crates, the crystal, the loose gem, and the crate gem


here are the crypstal and loose gem. didn't know what to do with the loose gem so i put it there

there are 14 fucking crates. the length of the level is the problem. also added more platform to fit the warp portal.

thy crate gem.

that's it

by the way you can get the crystal and gems no problem but you don't unlock tiny and it doesn't add any percentage


crashdicoot shit 3: level 13

the rooms for level 11 and 12 don't exist but level 13 DOES have a room

checking the string section for the level names, this level is supposedly "shock therapy"

for some reason, there's a loose gem instead of a crate gem, yet this level has the orange gem, and there's a crystal and an entire 2 crates

there's more level after this, but it's fucking empty so i figured it wasn't my problem.

(3 edits) (+1)

i did it

i beat the loadcan ghost

i technically DID cheat by making the no cheese warp into a cheese warp but they are still in the same place so i'm counting it

if you wanna know how i managed this achievement: complete dumb luck, get good

(pictured here is me)

also toasty (loadcan) appeared (very coolio)

the way he works is he appears when you get the dev relic and goes "toasty" and then he always appears even if you don't beat the dev time


i foumd bearnator... why

just the "mama bear" enemies' sprite but with a hat

this is never used

(2 edits) (+1)

crash bandishit thingy numbor 2: obj_intro_secret_wumpa_spawner's use

at the end of the tutorial level there is this green translucent rectangle (though only in utmt) that CAN be accessed though, in the words of loadedcannon

"you actually can jump over the warpout in the tutorial, but it requires a VERY tight neutral glitch doublejump into death tornado, and it'll stop you if you try to jump over with cheats on lol"

i have no idea what a fucking neutral glitch double jump is, so i had to utmt the warp trigger out of the way.

this object makes it rain wumpa just makes it rain wumpa if touched

it's raining wumpa, from out of the sky
wumpa, no need to ask why
just open your mouth, and close your eyes
it's raining wumpa!!!

credit me for the use of "It's Raining Wumpa" you fucker


what 4 years of no full game does to a man

bcmai butelpklpluterrrpi buipdfefufi beri biuupefdff

ssijdsjjdjjadai fudsfadeack

trhe seoolahs aioug aisdme aein adasehuuos

imsmfgdsfmde griere

bicuudfsfmspmamif griprrri iffedf girrrrpi bfug
i used my profile picture and smacked in the face into various types of incomprehensible baguettes that were then fucked up even more by having the pixels jumbled and being heavily blurred

1. surface of pluto

2. me, if i was put into a grinder and squashed in the face

3. dog fur

4. me split in quarters and laced with grass

5. all of the previous images combined and squashed under a hydraulic press and then i used all of the aseprite tools' powers to form the surface of some random planet

please v0.2 im begjirgning yaoyitusiyuoyusyoiu

(3 edits) (+1)

it's me! the ME!

0.1.5a is here.* a slight nudge better than 0.1.5, and obviously here's the new stuff (note: doesn't include anything after warp room 1 because of my lazy ass making a new save file and sucking complete ass, though i don't think anything changed after that)

first off, an intro cutscene! pretty fun, and now we have the storyian.

basically cortex doesn't want to conquer the universe, he wants to conquer the dimension. actually 3. actually 2, the cutscene shows cortex making a dimension die so now he has to conquer TWO. back in n. sanity island, while crash is being lazy and crunch gets stuck under his deadlift bar, there's a silly thing going on in the beach. coco can't do it, and neither can crunch, he's lifting. so naturally coco wakes our beloved cash banoocian up by telling him about hundreds of wumpa fruit washed up in the shore. he naturally woahs himself out of house and then goes into a tutorial level. incredible and i absolutely did NOT expect for it to pull a gringott's steak house and force into the hub.

re-opinion on warp roomian 1

levonian 1 - pipe down

sewer level. goodians. end platform should be slightly stretched to make the unlocking of level 31 easier

levonian 2 - welcome to the jungle

good. title could use a little work though

levonian 3 - market crash

not a supermarket. good pun. hard red gem. guy that gives out the red gem literally jukes you if you carpeted there

levonian 4 - acid reflex

sucks ass. bad box gem.

levonian 5 - seismic activity

sucks ass. bad box gem.

boss onian - dingodile

sucks a-

thanks for read

also enemies in dingodile is pretty cool but i still haven't legitimately beat him

*not sure this is seperate from 0.1.5

(2 edits) (+1)

observations and unused shitiutisdfsdfusdfufsdfffuck

1 - the tutorial level has an extra section, even though you can't get there.

that mysterious translucent green rectangle by the way, is just an instance of "obj_intro_secret_wumpa_spawner"

2 - spr_cheatsmenu

(sprite speed was modified to avoid possible epilepsies, and is likely faster than this)

''you did inspire me to add a cheat code to set and keep the difficulty level at either max or minimum'' probably related to this

3 - rm_filthycheater

an empty room containing obj_cheater_msg.

the create code has text. here's the transcript

msg_string[0] = "Been playing with the save files?"
msg_string[1] = "I'm not mad, just dissapointed..."
msg_string[2] = "That you fucked it up!"
msg_string[3] = "If not for me you'd be softlocked!"
msg_string[4] = "Get outta here ya filthy cheater."
msg_string[5] = "Whats a matter you, EH! Got no respect"
msg_string[6] = "What do ya think ya doing, why do you look so sad?"
msg_string[7] = "It's a not so bad, it's a nice-a place, AHHH getouttathesaves"

would've apparently been used if the player were to modify save files but break something, would also prevent a softlock, though warns the player to "get outta the saves"

a face sprite also exists of loadedcannon's profile picture, most likely related to this room.

(beautiful man)

4 mobiums - level 1's various name changes

pipe down has had 3 names. pipe problems (first iteration) - down the drain (v0.1.3?) - pipe down (v0.1.5a)

5 morbians - future level names

>be me

>use utmt

>open strings section

>level names


here's a guess on what type of level each would be.

  • Rising Temperatures - a volcano level
  • Carpet Beater - a level with the main gimmick of the flying carpet
  • Shock Therapy - some sort of electrocution themed level? a pun on some other mechanic???
  • Out By a Nile - i have no fucking idea
  • Turban Planning - i have no fucki-
  • Sewer Test Facilities - sewer
  • Mockup Mangrove - jungle
  • Pharoah's Funkhouse - egypt
  • Pyramid Scheme - egypt, possible hidden level as it's in the same area with fallout buoy and "altitude adjustment"

6 scrounders - rm_secretb---zone

gotta keep it pg-13. wait

a warp room with 6 levels with jungle and sewer decorations and no fucking background. 

7 spunchbops - rm_warproom_3

an arabian warp room. the boss of this warp room is n. tropy.

8 robotnik rocks - obj_level_portal_fake

i have no idea what this is. the code doesn't tell me jackshi-

9 elevens - rm_boss_2

theoretically accessible if a crystal were to be added to "Decoffinated" (along with a warp at the "end")

the tiny tiger bossfight. has a polar chase(?) at the end.

10 quadrillion insects - rm_warproom_6

the final warp room. contains 2 levels and an instance of

11 fuuuuuuuuuuuu - obj_final_boss_portal

basically a boss warp but broken and flickers a lot.

12 mincerafts - spr_iron_checkpoint_speechbubble

how rude
apparently iron checkpoints insult you.

13 trillion years you've waited to finish this post - spr_toasty

i don't know who this man is but he's just here. there's also snd_toasty which is just someone saying "toastyyy!", presumably mr. toasty himself.

AAAAAUUUGGGGHHHHHHHHHH finally we're done that took me forever fuck


you actually can jump over the warpout in the tutorial, but it requires a VERY tight neutral glitch doublejump into death tornado, and it'll stop you if you try to jump over with cheats on lol

cheats are in the game (though most of them disable time trials)
set your volumes to 9/9/96 then keep pressing down until the cheats option shows up underneath back

git gud lmao, or just cheese past dingodile with infinite aku aku if you want, levels 6, 7 & 32 are finished, but i'll warn you, lv 32 is fuckn evil, even after nerfing it 700 times

you can get into the tiny fight in debug mode, but he makes dingodile look like a chump so good luck

enable/disable debug mode by holding up, jump, spin, slide and inventory, then pressing run (i hope you're using a controller lol)

you can access the beta warproom (secret dev zone) by going down past warproom 0 in debug mode or if you have every dev relic

the top portal is a temporary entrance to tiny's fight,  the other portals are sewer testing facilities, mockup mangrove, and pharaohs funkhouse (very rough version of pharaohs funhouse from crash ntranced)

obj_level_portal_fake really is just what it says on the tin, look at all the warp rooms and you'll notice both edges are identical, to hide the looping point

obj_level_portal_fake are the level portals beyond the looping point, they're synced up with their not fake counterpart to bring up the hud for portals right next to the looping point

not all iron checkpoints, but when you least expect it, obj_iron_checkpoint_crate_from_ctr gonna ruin your day

spr_toasty, thats me, i'll show up if ya get a dev relic, its a reference to mortal kombat (3 specifically)

boy i'm sure glad utmt can't bring back comments so you cant see the entire list of future and old rejected level names lol


ok thanks for the informationes. now here's some other stuff

1 - a megamix

there's frames for megamix and loadedcannon


beautiful man TWO
the megamix one isn't used, though the loadcan (loadedcannon) one is presumably used for the "secret b🐬 zone"

2 - sailor mouth

all of the human enemy guys are internally refered to as "mf" or "motherfucker". 11 are refered to as "mf" but only 3 as "motherfucker"

3 - really advanced. also, death.

the game's files contain gba versions for the songs used for

  • jungle
  • sewer
  • pyramid
  • volcano
  • and arabian levels. also the gba arabian one is epic as fuck

and also contains death route songs for most of them, mostly from airumu.

that's all i'm gonna comment on for now, might edit this or even make a new one

also i finally understood the purple gem on level 6 and how to get it

> be me

> find secret path on level 6

> "where it lead???"

> the death route in question:

> woagh...,

why the fuck did you call it the secret b🐬 zone???

(1 edit) (+1)

ok i have a problem.

debug mode

not that it has anything wrong, the problem is GETTING debug mode.

not that the code is weird or hard to input, it just doesn't work???

i put in the code, but it didn't do jackshit???

is there something wrong with my game??? do you need to use the default controls??? what the fu-

edit: ok fuck that i got it working

(1 edit) (+1)

also cheats let's talk about that.

for starters, if you use the cheats the game doesn't let you time trial. instead the clock is gray and if you come near it, it shows a picture of a crossed out 🧀.

so sadly no you can't time trial while eating your 🧀

then there's the tiny bossfight. cool.

also the text while selecting the "secret b🐬 zone" freaks out.

also there's a random picture of a giant 🧀 in the game's files. i dunno why.

there's also an object related to tiny tiger that is a 🧀

here are the 🧀s.

🧀 1. no 🧀

🧀 2. yes 🧀

the swaus


where is v0.1.4 i need more of my beloved banooca with trousies


sorry didn't see the notif, here have a link to v0.1.5, some shit is buggin out in this patch but there should be at least 2 new levels there

next main update will be v0.2, lots of under the hood changes happening to make the gameplay feel smoother, things look nicer, etc
might be out early next year, maybe early next decade... fangames be like that


yay i finished levels 8 and 9 because i finally beat dingodile!!!

sadly to beat dingodile by i had to hack him down to 1 hp (i suck at this game stop judging me). did this by editing obj_dingo_1's creation code.

in the creation code i changed "hp = 6" to "hp = 1". i also edited obj_dingo_2 (the 5 hp version of him) and i changed "hp = 5" to "hp = 0" because that just felt like the right thing to do.

speaking of hacking i also took a snoop into the game's files and found some cool stuff like unfinished level rooms

also what is rm_filthycheater and why are some enemies internally called "motherfucker" and why is one of them is internally called "mf" (which by the way MEANS THE SAME THING)

i can now officially state my opinion on every level

down the drain - cool.

welcome to the jungle - not a very original name but good level nontheless

market crash - it isn't a supermarket. red gem is too fucking hard

acid reflex - too long. too laggy. also, hard chase sequence if you're going for box gem.

seismic activity - too long. too la-

dingodile - IMPOSSIBLE.

bug out - good jungle level, but it's dark so you can't see much

running rampant - 10/10 bear sequence!!!

fallout buoy - it sucks.

hope you finish the game because one of the world 2 levels has purple gem and i want it!!!


erm... get gud


n a h



i feel the dingodile boss could use a nerf. the distance of crash's jump could also use a slight boost so double jumping isnt so necessary between some basic gaps


you're stuck at the dingo fight too?

if yes, want some more content/stuff to do?

here are challenges maybe easier than dingo.

-try to get level 3's red gem! obtain it by beating the carpet section on foot.

-try to get a relic.

-or unlock level 31! to unlock level 31 (not gonna spoil the name) you need to go to level 1, at the end, hover past the portal until you see a platform that was previously kinda off-screen. a hint is that there's a jungle decoration, when you land on the off-screen platform, you will be sent to warp room 0 and unlock level 31. you can also try to beat it but yeah that challenge should be included in ''challenges maybe harder than dingo'' so



i like the ''fan'' in ''fan game'' is literally the drawing of a fan. also i photoshoppd it so yeah


hello i also wrote THIS comment

maybe the dark jungle level thingy is EITHER of these

-1st warp room 0 (secret levels place) level you unlock in level 1

-1st level of warp room 2

-level 2 death route

-or upcoming level and just a sneek peek

and maybe the polar thing level is an

-another upcoming level

-same thing as before but for warp room 0

-or 2nd level of warp room 2

this is a wip and will be edited later


Dingodile Boss Battle -no hit-


good stuff! made it look too easy, might end up adding some enemies during the down time so you're not just waiting around for him to shoot

thanks for dropping a video, really helps with identifying play patterns and see what could use tweaking


thank you for making this great game, keep up the hard work to finish the game.

don't listen to those who says that the game is so difficult👍👍


I LOVE this game! I can't wait to see more content added to this beauty (if you still plan on doing so). I'm a game developer myself, and I must say, this is incredible work! Nearly spot on, it feels official! Keep it up man! I'm even streaming this tonight on my channel!


this game hasn't gotten an update yet holy cows A N Y W A Y S  here is some more text

to be honest dingo is still a literal challenge like there is that one attack where he fires a lot of red bullets and its just REALLY HARD TO AVOID like maybe when the fight gets to the fight gets real hard make it rain aku aku boxes from the sky so the fight is easier because i still die

''no nerfs to the giant laser though lol, good luck!''

nah i dont need giant laser nerfs i can just pull off an epic double crouch jump death tornado spin combo and avoid it

keep up with the work good sir and btw nerf the red gem AND dingodile (again) AND platinum relics AAAAAAAAAAAAND level 3 AND the final section of level 5

also it'd be really cool if you added if you added different difficulties like

cake walk - start the game with 2 aku akus and 10 lifes, enemies become slower, crystals are put in points more before in the level, and some other nerfs like

level 3's chases are easier

level 5's lava is removed completely (or a nerf to the lava)

less boxes in level 3 and the remaining become easier to obtain

and time trails aren't gone nuts

easy - play but with more nerfs that the ones that already exist and start the game with 1 aku aku and 5 lifes

normal - play the game regularly, start game with regular amount (3 i think) of lifes and no aku akus blah blah blah

hard - play the game with no nerfs, start the game with 1 life, and levels are harder blah blah blah hard mode

expert - more enemies in levels, also they are faster. start the game with 0 lifes so that means if you die you get an instant game over (i think), red gem is harder and stuff is VERY hard in general

reply to this.


yeah, the last update was buggy as due to the change to 60fps so i've been taking a bit of extra time to fix glitches and add some cool new things, but hopefully its not far away now

which part is too hard? i've played so much it feels too easy to me now, but if you mean the last phase then i'm probably going to change all those missiles to defective green ones, so you can spin them away without hitting dingo

i will say the level 4 and 5 chase segments are getting a nerf, i totally forgot to slow down the lava based on deaths so i've fixed that, and the acid now goes even slower after 14 deaths rather than just slowing once down after 7

as far as difficulty options go, probably not going to happen, i've just finished adding an online time trial leaderboard where you can download other peoples ghosts to race against, so having everyone on a level playing field is important to me, at least for time trials

but outside time trials, you did inspire me to add a cheat code to set and keep the difficulty level at either max or minimum, so you can always spawn with 2 akus, get extra checkpoints, slower chases and higher chance to get lives from random crates

also added more speed tech, neutral slide spin and neutral slide jump, if you stop holding left/right after you slide but before you jump or spin you'll keep your slide speed rather than slowing down, so that should make time trials easier if you can master it because only dev times will be using it

btw you only need sapphire relics for 100% or gold for 101%, so don't stress, platinum and dev relics are just to flex


''which part is too hard?''

there's a part that dingodile throws like 10,000 red missiles at you then a green one, if wouldn't be that hard if DINGODILE DIDN'T  F***ING THROW FLAMES AT THE PIPES SO THAT THEY F***ING KILL YOU before that

''secret exits are basically invisible portals inside levels, find one and it will take you to warp room 0 and unlock the corresponding level''

warp room 0 yes yes yes yes yes i imagine it being like the egypt (inside) levels of n-tranced and maybe make the camera follow crash before on the secret platform thingy as a hint you found a secret and yes yes yes yeah idk what the f*** im saying rn and if you- wait

''you did inspire me to add a cheat code to set and keep the difficulty level at either max or minimum''

what the f***



Game now runs at a futuristic 60 fps - woah yeah they just put this game in the toaster

Dynamic difficulty value now saved per checkpoint, still reset upon level completion, but separate for each level - what

Dingodile now has a checkpoint in the middle of the fight - i wanted you to nerf the attacks but yeah still acceptable

Warp Rooms now look 3D! (kinda) - they just made it a cylinder thats it

New hidden level accessed through secret exit in somewhere in Warp Room 1 - woah wasnt expecting that but HOW DO YOU GET IN THE HIDDEN LEVEL EXACTLY? like i tried going thru the background pipes and it didnt work

then i thought ''what if something in the background could work like a level entrance so i could enter?'' didnt work either

if you aren't gonna say the entrance (or hidden exit in warp room 1) then atleast tell me a hint or else the hidden level will be shrouded in mystery forever


whoops missed this comment lol, if you haven't found the secret exit yet its at the end of level 1


still haven't found it yet because there is no extra portal what do i actually do


secret exits are basically invisible portals inside levels, find one and it will take you to warp room 0 and unlock the corresponding level

at the end of level 1, jump and hover past the portal, the camera will keep moving once you get close enough to the edge of the screen, just have to stand in the middle of that offscreen platform

(1 edit) (+1)

just found it! the warp room 0 is the castle thingy from crash fusion also i found it when i realized ''hey that's a jungle level decoration what's it doing in a sewer level?''

also, since the secret level is level 31, im expecting 35 (maybe) levels in total, and ohhhhh boooooooooy- i mean

oh buoooooooooy

my computer REALLY didn't like that level (Fallout Buoy).



and it doesn't even BEAT LEVEL 5

this b**** has 112 (ONE HUNDRED TWELVE!) crates!

toplen, what the fu-

and the motocycle section absolutely made my lungs die (not really)

and then when i thought the level was just gonna go normal...

a familiar chase started.

that's F***ING right! the acid from level 4's back and ready to rip my heart out of my body and f***ing use it as a school bag.

and that's why i never beat level 31/fallout buoy.

plus, there's not even any fall! what's the point of the name ''fallout buoy''!

yeah i don't know what to write here anymore i didn't like that level and my computer neither

(2 edits) (+1)

i like how the super belly flop is as op as in the huge adventure, you can destroy tnt crates without the countdown and destroy nitro crates without the ! nitro crate (i dont know if they fixed it.), and also, a glitch in the previous version let you hit dingodile while he was talking, this is probably fixed now.

the old version of Seismic Activity was the ONLY platinum i got! and the platinum times are WAAAAAAAY to broken for me. i mean COME ON i can't even beat my own record!

tho in the page for the new version, im seeing a Ripto's Rampage themed level, a dark jungle level, and what seems to be the new version of Seismic Activity, mmmm i dont wanna know the names for the new levels! its like opening a kinder surprise egg

edit: this is the longest piece of text i have EVER written

edit 2: ok dingodile is complete but i CAN'T beat it. its so hard. he throws you like 401401470747346278e+5707295923757725907317658929582368581123957570107570170107957089756101010010100101101010010110464184168246881468785868160 attacks at you

it has green missiles (to attack him), red missiles (to avoid), a giant laser (ok to be serious what), and a trillion other attacks.


if you think the plats are hard try and get a dev relic! though dev times only show up if you've already beaten them or have all the plats

yeah, i definitely got too used to dingo when testing and underestimated how hard he was, but i've nerfed some of his hitboxes and added a checkpoint in the middle, so it should be reasonable now, or at least less tedious not doing the first half of the fight over and over again

no nerfs to the giant laser though lol, good luck!



thanks for nerfing dingo btw, you should do the same with the following things in a future update:

platinum times (ok what they're too broken)

THE RAISING LAVA AT THE END OF LEVEL 5 (make it slower and remove obstacles like nitros)

the 4th level (i like the idea of an actual GBA-style chase level instead of a stupid sum of obstacles and a stupid yeti that is slower than sonic trying to catch eggman before the final boss of sonic 2, but yeah the uh... slime? is too fast and yeah it took me a while to finish it)

the carpet section of level 3 (this makes the red gem easier to obtain)

''level 3 bonus round is 100% possible, jump and spin the stack and let the locked crate fall on your head or hold the bellyflop button for a super flop, the shockwave can take out the tnt''

welp yeah had to put my comment on the back burner too, i already knew that you could belly flop the tnt crate

bunch o' a's to make this text longer 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(2 edits) (+1)

''Boss and level 5 unfinished, but will be done in v0.1.2, releasing soon!''

ok but when

edit: also box gem in level 3 is impossible because of some crates in the bonus round

edit 2: btw how do you get the red gem bruh


right now!
had to put it on the back burner for a while, life's been busy

level 3 bonus round is 100% possible, jump and spin the stack and let the locked crate fall on your head or hold the bellyflop button for a super flop, the shockwave can take out the tnt

for the red gem, get through the carpet section on foot


this seems cool

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